
DIARY | 09.27.2019


关于英语问答大家其实不用太紧张,美国海关大部分还是比较友好的,一般都在聊天寒暄中 询问他们需要知道的信息。美国口语以简单句为主,口语中几乎没有长句和大词,因此回答的时候也要简单明了, 接地气儿点。只要是有一定英语基础、对常见问题事先熟悉过的孕妈都可以应答过来。

英语好一些的孕妈,可以 表达得更地道、充分一些,也算是锦上添花啦。如果真的遇到了不友好的海关,也要面带微笑不卑不亢回答问题, 并用充分的支持材料证明你是诚实合法赴美生子的。

有一点需要特别提醒大家:中国人说话喜欢留有余地,爱用 “可能、大概、差不多“等词语,老美可是不太吃这一套,所以回答问题时一定要用确定的词,越准确越好。

比如问在美国停留多久,要回答 two weeks, three months, from September 5th to December 10th, 避免说 about half a month;再比如问住哪儿,就简单粗暴地说 xxx hotel, the address is xxx, 避免说 maybe I will stay…./ I’m considering….总之不要给海关一种你还没准备好或闪烁其词的感觉。好了,下面具体看看都有哪些问题。

• 熟练掌握6个核心问题


What is your purpose of visiting the US? (这是最正规常见的问法,也可能遇到比较轻松聊天式的问 法:Why are you coming to America?)Are you pregnant? Are you gonna give birth to your baby in the US? (海关也许会继续关注一下你怀孕多久了 How far are you?预产期是什么时候 When is it due?/What is your expected date of delivery?)

答:我准备来生孩子,顺便旅游购物。我怀孕快 8 个月了,预产期是 11 月 18 日 .

I’m gonna deliver/give birth to my baby here, and do some visiting and shopping as well. I’m 8-month pregnant and my baby is due on November 18th.

2、为什么来美国生孩子?/ 为什么不在你们自己国家生?

Why delivering your baby in the US? Why you made this decision? Why not giving birth in your own country?

答 A:我们听说来美国生孩子并不违法,只要带够钱自己支付所有费用,不占用美国政府福利。

We are told that it is completely legal to do so, as long as we pay off all medical bills on our own. We don’t use any kind of welfare of your government.

答 B:这是我的第二个孩子,我是高龄产妇,我需要更安全的医疗技术来确保我和孩子的安全。我相信你 们医生的技术和医院的服务。

This is my second child and I’m over 35 years old now. I’m pursuing for better medical care in the US. I trust the skills of your physicians and the services of the hospital.

答 C:我们非常看重美国的教育,希望我的孩子以后能接受世界先进的教育。

We think highly of American’s education and we definitely hope my kids to have the best education of the world in future.


Have you told the visa officer at the interview that you were going to have a baby here? /Did you honestly say your purpose of giving birth in the US when you applying for the visa?

答 A:我们有诚实告知,在面试的时候就跟签证官诚实说了来生孩子,并且得到了签证官的允许。

Yes, we have/ Yes, we did. We already told the visa officer honestly that we plan to deliver my baby in the US, and we were admitted by the officer at the interview.

答 B: 我签证的时候并没有怀孕,我是去年 6 月拿到签证的,之后去美国旅行过 1 次。今年 5 月发现自己 怀孕了,怀孕之后才决定赴美生子。

I was not pregnant when I got my visa in June last year. After getting the visa, I have been to the US once for traveling. Later on in May this year, I found myself pregnant and then decided to give birth in the US.


How long will you stay in the US? When do you plan to come back?

答:我呆三个月,12 月 1 日返回中国。这是我的行程单和机票,你要看看吗?

I will stay here for three months. My return trip to China is on December 1st. Here is my itinerary and tickets back. Would you like to take a look at it?

5、你带了多少钱?How much money are you bringing with you?

答:我带了 5 万美金,足够支付我在美期间的花销,包括生产费用。

I have 50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) in cash. That’s enough to cover all the expenses during my stay in the US, including the bills for delivery. (除了现金,如果带了信用卡,借记卡,旅行支票等可以说:In addition to cash, I also bring 3 credit cards with the credit line of XXX, and 1 debit card with the balance of XXX. And some traveler’s check of XXX.)


Do you have enough money to cover your delivery costs? Are you aware how much it’s gonna cost to deliver in the US hospital?

答:我认为足够了,我带了 XXX 现金,银行账户里还有 XXX 余额。我的总预算是 XXX,这是我的预算表, 上面有具体的每项开支。表中可以看到生产费用,顺产 3500,剖腹产 6000,医生费用 2500,还有 500 无 痛麻醉如果需要的话。

Yes, I think I’ve prepared enough. I have XXX cash and XXX balance in my bank account. My total budget is XXX. Here is my budget chart with details/ break down items. 



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